


  9.Crewshoreside leaving

  6.Managingsuspected COVID-19 cases and their contact

  M.V. Un Blossom Agains tCOVID-19 Record Book

  Capt Li Candong

  而疫情期間與正常不同的是:港口國監視檢查官員(PSCO)會提前1~2天發郵件通知船上,告知他們會登船檢查,這本來是好事,能讓船上提前做好迎接檢查的預備工作。不過,固然他們也知道時間緊迫(we understand your pressures),但是還是要船上盡快(It would be appreciated to have it done and returned as soon as possible)將他們要求的檢查前資料(Prior to our visits),包括instructions and expectations, General information, questionnaire, vessel certificates, ports of call, crew information and crew change等按要求完成并發回給他們。

  ItalianRadio Coastal Stations: Ask for C.I.R.M.

  (1)Themaster is to determine whether the situation is serious andnecessitates reaching out for immediate shore side medical supportand advice or radio medical assistance; or whether it can wait untilthe ship reaches the next port of call.

  (3)Handhygiene stations, such as handwashing facilities and dispensers foralcohol-based hand rub, should be put in prominent places around theship and be accessible to all staff, contractors, customers andvisitors, along with communication materials that promote handhygiene and other preventive measures.

  (9)High-touchsurfaces on board the ship should be identified as priorities fordisinfection. These include doors and windows and their handles,kitchen and food preparation areas, countertops, bathroom surfaces,toilets and taps, touchscreen personal devices, keyboards on personalcomputers and work surfaces. The disinfectant and its concentrationshould be carefully selected to avoid damaging surfaces and to avoidor minimize toxic effect.

  10.CrewChange record

  閑暇時,將vessel’s COVID-19 procedure稍微修改了下,將情況簡單做一下先容,供同行參考,如有不正確的地方,歡迎交流指正。

  (6)Crewshould return back to their cabin after working hours

  (3)Contactsshould be quarantined for 14 days from the last time they wereexposed to the suspected case, if operationally safe to do so. If acontact develops any signs or symptoms, the contact should wear amedical mask and be treated as a suspected case. Persons who arequarantined need adequate food, water, and hygiene provisions.

  1.4 Carry outshipboard training on COVID-19 for the on-signers, including butnot limited to


  (1)Signsand symptoms of COVID-19

  4.Crewphysical record

  TheInternational Radio Medical Center (C.I.R.M.)

  (4)Crewmembers must remain at least 1 m apart from one another and fromshore personnel. In situations in which physical distancing of atleast 1 m cannot be implemented in full, the master should considerwhether that activity needs to continue, and if it does, take allmitigating actions possible to reduce the risk of transmission.

  (1)Potentiallycontaminated zones

  7.Crewphysical condition monitoring

  Master of m.v. Uni Blossom

  Telex:612068 C.I.R.M. I

  1.1 All theon-signers mustbe subject toPre-boarding screening to identify any symptomatic individuals orthose exposed to COVID-19. If any symptoms are identified, then theperson should not travel and instead seek medical care.

  (8)Cleaningand disinfection in the shore personnel working zones should becarried out after shore personnel have disembarked.

  當時收到他們的通知時,已經是中午了,船計劃第二天靠泊(溫哥華Vancouver)。為了能給港口國監視檢查官員(PSCO)留下“美好的初步印象”,作為船長,我迅速整合資料,編制了本文下面我輪的COVID-19 procedure,連同他們要求的其它信息,并在當天下午五點之前(Duringoffice hours)發給了港口國監視檢查官員(PSCO)。

  (7)Ship’screw and shore personnel in different working zones on the ship

  Fax:+39 06 5923333

  8.CrewPCR test cert

  2.ICSCOVID-19 Guidance for ship operators for the protection of the healthof seafarers

  TheMastershouldget the Traveller contact information for each crew readily availableregardlessof whether ourcrewintend to go on shore leave, sign-off/discharge from the vessel, orif ourcrewintend to stay on board during the vessel's stop in portso as to submit the information to the authorities as requiredbecause it will be a lot of work andreply the COVID-19 Health screening questionnaire to the portauthorities in due course prior to arrival at each port of call inorder to prevent any finedue to contravention of the quarantine act/regulation/requirement;besides, the Master shouldalways informs the competent authority of next port of call if thereis a possible COVID-19 case on board.

  (2)Zoneswhere only crew interact

  Shouldthe Master be in doubt, shore-based support from the followingexperts for medical advice couldbe available,

  1.2 All theon-signersare to complete a locator card

  Appendix--COVID Record book

  MobileGSM Telephone: +39 348 3984229

  The2/O should take every crew’s body temperature at least twice a dayin the morning and in the afternoonand maintain the consistent record for every crew member on boardfrom their embarkation to their disembarkation;the Master should report the crew physical condition to owners ,managers and/or all the parties concerned as required (i.e. thecharters) ondaily basis.

  (3)Zonesor activities where crew members interact with shore personnel


  (1)Minimizethe number of non-crew members boarding the ship and ensure thatshore personnel move only into authorized zones.


  Ifshoreside visits are permitted, seafarers should follow WHO’srecommended public health and social measures, including the types ofPPE necessary, physical distancing measures and the availability ofhand hygiene facilities.


上一篇  北歐航空SAS和SAS斯堪的納維亞的飛行員工會已經達成了和解-歐洲空運
下一篇  但由于未獲授權公開談論此事-美國FBA海派

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